Friday, January 13, 2012


Testing out a picture upload.....

This was a first day of school project I had my students do last year. They wrote about what they were most excited about the upcoming school year, then they colored a picture of themselves. When they were done I took a picture of them holding up the picture they had colored of themselves. I really liked this project because they can look back and see what they looked like on the first day of school, their writing and what they were looking forward to, and how they colored themselves. So much develops over the first grade year. It's so fun to watch them grow {in height and skills}!

1 comment:

  1. Those are so cute! And wahoo for you uploading a picture! =)

    I am a Firstie teacher too and would love for you to come visit me. I have lots of leprechaun *freebies* that I would love for you to come grab! =)

    Heather's Heart
